Beautiful photo of Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility).
Tag: Club Photos
Meeting tonight was mainly focused on the new website. Club member Kasey Davis showed off the past few weeks of work on this site as well as some of the challenges faced during web design. Club members wanted to see a roster of club members added in the futures so stand by for that.
After discussing the website, club member Mike Beer shared some photos from last star party. Mikes photos of the southern milky way with his cell phone camera, with a very cool app for his apple phone called Night Cap produced some impressive results. Mike even added constellation and deep sky locations in a GIF.
After Showing off pictures the Club discussed this months star party, if the weather cooperates we are going to try for Massacre Rocks about 30 minutes west of Pocatello. This site is very dark and offers excellent views of deep sky objects and it being so close to town is major plus. More details to follow as the date gets closer we are very much looking forward to getting in some quality observing.
The last 30 minutes of the meeting were spent watching another excellent Smithsonian Institute lecture. This lecture was about how nebula are formed and illustrated the stunning work of the Spitzer Space Telescope infrared instruments. Infrared helped scientists see past non visible light so they could unravel the mystery of star formation in the Swan Nebula
Clear skies and keep looking up!