Lots of fun again this year. Two nights of clear skies and some very fun outreach. The Pocatello Astronomical Society loves these events.
Here a few photos of our various telescopes and equipment!
Clear skies and keep looking up!
Pocatello Astronomical Society
Its full of stars!!
Lots of fun again this year. Two nights of clear skies and some very fun outreach. The Pocatello Astronomical Society loves these events.
Here a few photos of our various telescopes and equipment!
Clear skies and keep looking up!
This Photo taken by club president John Reed of M31 or the Andromeda Galaxy is our nearest galactic neighbor this galaxy is geared to collide and merge with our galaxy the Milky Way in about 4 billion short years. This Galaxy is one of the few that are actually naked eye objects. This barred spiral galaxy is about 2.5 million light years away from Earth. You can clearly see M110 the small oval shape underneath the main galaxy is actually a satellite dwarf galaxy of M31, two for the price of one! Taken with Meade 70mm f5 Quad and ASI2600MM camera.
This stunning photo of the Rosette Nebula is brought to you by club president John Reed. This beautiful HII region located in the constellation of Monoceros is a gem of the winter sky. Located about 5200 lightyears from earth contains many O-type stars as well as young new stars. Taken with Meade 70mm f5 Quad and ASI2600MM camera.
Veil Nebula a supernova remnant in the constellation of Cygnus the Swan. This structure is about 2400 light years away from Earth. This gorgeous photo taken by club president John Reed shows clearly the delicate structure of the nebula. Taken with Meade 70mm f5 Quad and ASI2600MM camera.
Taken by club President John Reed